Thoughts From A Rehab-er
10 March 2008
Thoughts From A Rehab-er

I have been to Rehab and, Sir, this is not the rehab I have been to...

OK. Maybe they did have to make their own beds and they DID all have to eat together and go to their groups, do their own makeup, and other stuff that "regular" treatment patients have to do, but this just did not seem like the "rehab" I went to when I overdosed on Butalbital and Amaretto. This Rehab is cushier and affected. I was not babied, as it appears some of these folks were, and there was a NO SMOKING rule (they might as well have taken my caffeine from me, too).

Of course, there were no cameras and I was not accustomed to fame and fortune, but I was still an addict looking for help. I wonder what it would have been like if I had been famous...


I believe that the more "special" these people are taught to believe that they are, the harder it will be for them to accept their realities of being addicts and alcoholics.

The plain truth is that our little "sacred circles," as Bob Forrest wisely coined them, are simply circles of addicts and alcoholics who have progressively gone down further and further to the point that they cannot stand to live with or look at themselves any longer.

There is no "special-ness" about any addict/alcoholic and THAT, my friends, is what helps us to accept the idea that we are all the same and when it comes down to it, we are all responsible for our own behavior and misbehavior.

The sooner that this recovery community of "stars" accepts this, the better (for them).

I am thinking that it would even be a wise move to mix it up a little bit. Let's put the celebs and the noncelebs together in treatment. Let's gently move the famous into the real world with us regular addicts and see how that works?

A big part of sober living and sober mentality is the idea that you are not any more special than anyone else. I believe that should be the next move in Celebrity Rehab II.
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