nothing really new
11 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch the documentary after the storm of positive reviews on IMDb. One viewer even reported not being able to sleep the next night due to the shock received form the movie. But I actually fell asleep somewhere in the middle after the revelation of some professor form Stanford that the US actually didn't go to Iraq to free the people but to secure the oil supply. What a surprise! I think it was clear to the majority of people right from the onset. And who doesn't know that we're gonna run out of oil? Everybody knows that. Who doesn't know that wars begin for oil? It's so talked about especially after the latest American campaign in Iraq that it's surprising anybody would mention it like some kind of insider information. So, leaving the entertaining value of the old oil commercials and the historical background aside, there was hardly anything substantial in the film that the general public is not aware of.

Then, it seems that the documentary was tailored especially to the US public, as it I guess the coming scarcity of oil will mostly affect the countries the biggest consumers of carbohydrates, i.e. the US. What I didn't like in the film is the manner in which the material was presented. The cutting was terrible, all these music video style several seconds clips together with the video footage at hte background, it all seems made with the only purpose to create a sensational effect at the same time lacking most of the informative value.

Then, some punch lines of the "specialists" interviewed in the films were especially annoying, like one where the guy in the military pants said that people might worship Buddha, Jesus or Allah, but in reality they worship petroleum. I totally failed to see what was the point of the phrase, but it sounded ridiculous. There were some more annoying comments lacking any sense and pronounced entirely in order to shock the unsophisticated viewer, but let's not get carried away. The documentary was a bit entertaining, not enough to stay awake, but OK.
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