I Need Counseling After Seeing This
5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If David Lynch and Quentin Tarantino had a child and that child was locked in a dark, airless, suffocating basement and abused regularly, both physically and sexually, and then released at the age of 20 and given a film crew and some actors, "Cutting Moments", the first of this trilogy, is the movie that child would produce. It should also be noted that the child should be provided with absolutely no film training at all and have the mistaken belief that silence and drama are synonymous. Serouisly, In a 20 minute short film, there are no more than 10 lines of dialog spoken. There are, however, numerous shots of people CUTTING OFF PARTS OF THEIR BODIES! OR cutting off parts of other people's bodies. In the space of 20 minutes, I saw a woman scrub her mouth with a Brillo pad until she bled, cut her lips off with a pair of scissors and then have her husband cut off her breasts with a pair of pruning sheers and then he proceeds to CUT OFF HIS OWN PENIS! Wow, what amazing insight into the American family! I mean, really, who hasn't done that at least once? I cannot overstress how this film is simultaneously horrifying and terribly made. It was bad in absolutely every way that a film can be bad. It didn't even have the redeeming camp quality of a gratuitous horror flick because it's perfectly obvious that Mr. Buck thinks he's making a hard-edged art piece. I am damn near 35 years old and have not shielded my eyes from a movie in over 25 years but I turned away from this short no less than half a dozen times. I am fairly certain I am in need of counseling and will never be able to handle gardening equipment again. The other two are not nearly as disturbing but they don't exactly warm the heart. Of the three, only the last, "Prologue" is in any way directed in a competent manner. It's the most redemptive of the three, about a girl who is crippled and has her hands cut off after being kidnapped and raped. And that's the REDEMPTIVE one.

Now, the thing that has me the most baffled is that Mr. Buck obviously thinks he's found some amazing truth by revealing things that HAVE NEVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND! There has never, EVER been one single family as screwed up as the three depicted here. Seriously, these stories have all the subtlety of a brick to the face. And yet they still try to market this as an art film about the 'American Family'. I defy you to search the headlines and show me ONE story about a husband and wife who mutilated themselves in their bedroom to the obvious point of death while their son played Power Rangers in the front yard. And yet one of the promotional quotes on the back reads, "The atmosphere, the performances, the brutal torn bodies...are thought-provoking metaphors for life in suburban America." It should be noted that this was written in German Nationwide Quarterly which is known for it's amazing understanding of American suburban life. Another blurb simply reads, "...a truly disturbing cinematic experience..." THAT I can agree with.
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