Are You Kidding Me?
21 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a poor excuse for an adaption. "A Rose for Emily" is a wonderfully spun tale with an enchantingly twisted plot. Unfortunately, this film did it zero justice. I've got nearly thirty Honors English students and my teacher behind me on this one, too.


1.) What was with the scene with the whole "Let's pass the razor as a sign of my attraction to you!" between Emily and Homer? Is that just a Southern Gothic thing? It was completely unnecessary and added no substance to their relationship or plot.

2.) The acting was of the utmost mediocrity. There was no feeling in any of the dialogue. Example: Emily: "That's my father. He died."

Homer: "Let's go." What?? Way to be sympathetic, Homer. Emily should have dumped his sorry (or in this case, not-so-sorry) behind right then and there.

3.) The events are not in sequential order, as in the story. However, with the way the filmmakers put it, they might as well have Tarantino'ed the whole thing and started at the end.

4.) When Emily is in the drugstore buying her anthrax, the druggist asks her what she plans on using it for, as required by law. In the story, she stares him down until he quails and gets her the anthrax. In the movie, she looks away. NO, NO, NO. The stare is essential because it shows that despite Emily's vuneralbility and questionable sanity, she is not one to be reckoned with. It is a subtle, but powerful action.

5.) Speaking of which, the archetypes, which were the only satisfactory parts of the film, were way too obvious. Archetyple elements are unobvious foreshadowing. The only thing that was there was the foreshadowing. Captain Obvious was definitely directing this film.

6.) Faulkner is brilliant with detail and is not shy about using it. Emily is supposed to be fat, with 'iron grey hair' in the beginning and the end. So, someone please explain to me why Emily is thin and attractive throughout the ENTIRE movie? And the streak of pathetic grey hair does not cut it. Nor does the cobweb masquerading as a strand of hair at the end.


If you have read the story, do not bother watching the film. It will only ruin it for you.
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