Review of Mad Cowgirl

Mad Cowgirl (2006)
Weird For Weirdness Sake...
1 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I really have no other way to describe MAD COWGIRL. There's a lot of stuff going on in this film - probably a lot of "deep" symbolism and whatnot, but it's all so jumbled together that I personally couldn't find anything of real note in this film other than it's complete "oddness"...

A young female meat-inspector contracts some sort of brain-tumors from consuming tainted meat that her brother (with whom she has some sort of vague incestuous relationship with) provides for her. A pre-tumor obsession with kung-fu flicks and a local pastor (played by Chekov from the STAR TREK TV series) causes her post-tumor delusions to manifest themselves in strange ways - namely, with the obsession of knocking off a gang of kung-fu masters from some TV show that she watches on a regular basis, and having weird fantasies/nightmares involving priests...

There's quite a bit more to MAD COWGIRL than what I've mentioned above, and if the film itself was very notable on any level, I'd go into more depth. As it is, this one is a collection of interesting ideas that just doesn't feel fully "realized". As for the good points: The acting, camera-work, etc...are all pretty decent for an indie film. No real complaints in the "technical" department. There's also quite a bit of campy dark-humor that works on some levels. Unfortunately (and on to the bad points): none of it amounts to anything. It seems as though MAD COWGIRL had a lot to say in terms of social-commentary - namely things to do with consumerism, perhaps the hypocrisy of religion, etc...but it was all so vague that I couldn't decide if these elements were actually intended to be in the film, or if I were just reading my own interpretations into what could really be considered just a jumble of randomosity. Also, the pacing seemed a bit off. Things would get moving for a while and then become dull and tedious for stretches, making it hard to pay attention to the total product. My overall impression with MAD COWGIRL, is that it was weird, but not really in a good way, and that nothing really stands out about it in terms of content - meaning, if you asked me anything about this film a week from now, I'll have already forgotten about it. Not terrible in terms of low-budget, odd-ball films - I just didn't get anything at all out of it (P.S. - for the sleaze fans, there's a few shots of the lead actresses tits and a little bit of gore - but nothing to write home about)...5/10
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