A few funny moments in an otherwise disappointing movie
28 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I should have walked out of the room when I realized the premise was that the 1932 New York Yankees were the hapless victims of a plot by the dastardly owner of the Chicago Cubs. When this movie was being made, Cubs fans were looking back at nearly a century of futility. The decision to go with that plot is the first sign that the creative minds behind this project lack sensible perspective. I am not a Cubs fan, but a much better movie (and message) would be about a Cubs fan trying to help his team in the face of tough odds.

The many glaring historical and factual errors in this movie also made it difficult to watch. Even my ten year old daughter noticed that, in one scene, home plate was oriented the wrong way. During a World Series game.

I am not going to go into the problems with the plot, the mixed messages given about the challenges children face and how they might overcome them, and bizarre perspective on risk--other reviewers have covered that. I will say that the characters of the parents were presented with less depth than found in the Sunday comics. And for some reason, the worst villains in the movie are redheads.

I laughed at some of the visual comedy. My son laughed at the snot jokes.
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