Boot Polish (2007)
Oscar Contender for Best Short film Wonderful
3 December 2007
Boot Polish is a breathtaking film and Aneel Ahmad is an inspiration to all of us.

He is one of the very exceptional Minority filmmakers whose shaped their career with natural film making talent, moral fiber, diligence, strength of mind and determination. Against all odds he got this film made, and on reading his profile he has spent over 10 years working in factories and perhaps has experienced all the despondency a person can live through, yet Ahmad on no account gave up his dream on becoming a film director.

Rejection after rejection with strength of character Ahmad kept marching on, and it's a real anecdote of spirit and willpower and genuine talent. Ahmad should be proud of Boot Polish and so should all the team. This is a astonishing Indian film about Hope and Dreams. Ahmad has encapsulated all the right emotional content to make this film into one genuine Oscar Winner. The film also has artistic value and Ahmad has shown genuine film-making proficiency.

Boot Polish yes is a simple film, but as a piece of artistic expression it's really up there as one of the best British Short films made in 2007. It really is a fantastic piece of short cinema, very unique in content and style which has to make it a worthy Oscar contender. I have bought into Ahmad as a talent. Short films are about the talent on offer and as a viewer Ahmad has sold it to me that he has a gift.

Ahmad has tremendous talent, ambition and creative flair. He has brought something else to the short film market and I also agree with the many comments written by industry professionals and the public about this film and this young man.

Well-done and good luck with all your future endeavours. You have done yourself and your team very proud.

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