Phantasm (1979)
finally checked this out
13 October 2007
I'm a huge fan of horror movies, basically it's all I watch. For some odd reason I never got around to seeing this and after reading about how great it was in every magazine I picked up, every horror fan I talked to and every message board.. I finally rented it. Thank god I didn't buy it, although I wouldn't mind having it for my collection even though I would probably never watch it again. I know I'm a huge minority here when I say that not only did I not like this film, but I really kind of hated it and felt p*ssed off after I had watched it. I can't for the life of me understand the appeal this has to people, other than sentimental reasons maybe. I thought it was boring, very slow, the story was just... I don't even have words. I was kind of mad at myself for not liking it when it's considered a huge classic in the horror genre, but whatever.
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