Dead Men Walk (1943)
Sinister George Zucco has dual role in low-budget horror flick...
5 October 2007
Clearly a film to play the lower half of a double bill, DEAD MEN WALK is a low-budget entry in the horror genre defeated by its stilted dialog and contrived situations. It's painfully dull and on the level of an Ed Wood film with amateurish acting from everyone except Zucco.

Zucco plays a bad doctor who comes back as a vampire (with the assistance of DWIGHT FRYE) to take revenge on his good twin. As shown on TCM, the dialog is as murky as the photography and the print shown was badly in need of restoration.

As good Dr. Clayton, Zucco declares that the latest death in the village "was not the cause of any known poison." He is soon visited by his "indestructible" brother who threatens to destroy him. He fires bullets at his evil brother to no avail. The poorly scripted story gets sillier as it goes on.

Summing up: No better, but somewhat worse, than dozens of other low-budget horror flicks. This one, unfortunately, shows its "poverty row" origins too clearly. Too slow-paced for its own good despite its brief running time.
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