This Movie Is The Worst Thing I've Seen In Years
7 September 2007
I cannot believe this abysmally horrible film is actually playing on Sundance as I type. I get it...they're making fun of independent films being popular now...since they have been hip to the concept for sooooo long...I'm sorry though...if you are going to make fun of the concept of being original and creative before every third rate hack artist steels your ideas and make them a cliché bit of Americana melodrama, you might want to start by being at least seminally clever.

Because seriously...every film parodied in this z list hack job has been systematically appropriated by every pencil necked idiot with a digi-cam.

If I had a nickel for every idiot who thought that they were into film for their obvious appreciation of appreciated independent films, then I would be rich (culturally rich) enough to not participate in these insipid forums...

It is so poorly written, directed, produced, and acted in, that it should never be discussed or viewed again.
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