22 August 2007
This is a movie that shouldn't have been made. Wasn't the first part enough? No, said the producers. People want more. They want to be scared. And what's scary about this movie? The simple fact that it was made. It exists. You can't avoid it. It is there. People will rent it. People will see it. And SOME people will actually enjoy it. I won't get into details because I want to forget it as fast as possible. The "plot" is simple: Some hot American chicks travel across Europe and end up in some God forsaken East European country. They get kidnapped by an organization that offers wealthy individuals the opportunity to "cultivate" their sadistic nature. That's about it. Plus the obligatory "titty time". The rest is pure stereotype. And by the way, the East Europeans are by default all ugly sadistic bears. Just forget about it.
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