Enjoyable time passer will probably pass from memory not long after you see it
18 August 2007
College professor at an old college is removed from his position by the staff because he isn't up to date enough and into Swing music. Hitting the road he travels the country looking for work ending up mixed up with gangsters at a night club. Good but not great B-musical that mixes songs and mystery. I'll give extra points to any musical where I don't hate any of the songs and this is one of those times. To be certain there is probably too much music, there seems to be a song every five minutes, but its pleasant enough. The performances are fine, though at times things can get a bit to anarchic as when three actors show up as a weird cross between the Three Stooges and the Ritz Brothers to do a school fight song. Forgive me for not saying more, its just that the film is ultimately forgettable even though it is very enjoyable while its on.
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