Soccer mom leaves her pristine world for justified revenge
5 August 2007
As a local to where the film was shot, this "revenge thriller with a twisted edge" was lots of fun to watch. Blanche Baker really did a bang up job balancing her role as revenger and a Christian 'soccer mom' after seeing her husband gunned down on the streets of Philly. The characters that showed up in her life after that in the next 24 hours made the plot come alive. Maria Soccor's performance sizzled as the sexy bad-ass bartender who had a couple of great tricks up her sleeve. I'd love to see her in more leading roles! Another actress that I really enjoyed in her cameo role as Gun Lady was Mary Mooney who was great at her sales job. I joined the audience as we laughed at the hilarious one-liners and the prize goes to the cameo couple in the biker bar who mentioned something funny about their kids. Thanks to the intense acting and the great directing by John Charles Hunt the bad guys were easy to hate and the good guys drew you in as we couldn't help root for our heroine's success. Go see Jersey Justice and walk away with a new spin on what you would do if you were pushed to the edge.
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