Yellow Cargo (1936)
Limp and plodding
14 July 2007
This public domain movie is also known as SINFUL CARGO and when I saw that title, I was expecting a salacious little exploitation film. Instead, it was a cheap little film that was dull and probably not worth anyone's time.

Conrad Nagel and Eleanor Hunt star in this dud. He is a federal agent investigation the smuggling of illegal Chinese aliens into the country and she is an annoying reporter with a secret. She is assisted by the world's stupidest and most annoying camera man, played by Vince Barnett. Barnett was obviously included as comic relief, but he was neither funny nor a relief when he entered a scene--just a one-joke irritant. In the end, there is a final confrontation with the gang boss that is among the dullest and most anticlimactic in film history. Then, in a "clever" twist, we learn the female reporter's secret and the camera, thankfully, fades.

The film has bad writing, acting and direction. It practically screams "SLOPPY" throughout. For a similar plot though done competently, try seeing Ronald Reagan in SECRET SERVICE OF THE AIR--a B-film actually worth your time. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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