Tales of the Unexpected: I'll Be Seeing You (1980)
Season 3, Episode 8
Average tale of the unexpected.
10 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales of the Unexpected: I'll Be Seeing You concerns a man called Roland Trent (Anthony Valentine) who is stuck in a loveless marriage to Vivienne (Hilary Tindall), they have both had other lovers but this time Roland has fallen in love with a young lady called Anna Warrack (Amanda Redman) who is going blind. Anna knows of a Professor Coburn (Murray Ewan) who needs human guinea pigs to try out his human eye transplant technique on, the only catch is the patient has to pay for it. All of Roland's money is tied up in his business & the spiteful Vivienne isn't keen on giving thousands of pounds to prevent his lover going blind. Roland decides on a more dishonest way to get the money & get rid off Vivienne all in one go...

Episode 8 from season 3 this Tales of the Unexpected story was the first of two episodes to be directed by Philip Dudley & isn't a particularly brilliant story but isn't as bad as some. The story by Robert Quigley was dramatised by Julian Bond & for it's majority is a simplistic love triangle that wouldn't look out of place in a low rent soap opera, eventually it gets more sinister & ends with an OK if somewhat predictable twist. The character's are alright, the dialogue is forgettable, the slim 25 minute duration prevents any real development of the story & to be perfectly honest it's neither that special or memorable. It moves along at a nice enough pace I suppose & it passes the time harmlessly enough but when all said & done it's all rather average.

This series has dated pretty badly & I'll Be Seeing You is no exception, just check out the fashions, the cars & the decor! This is as much a drama with a sinister twist as it is anything else, there's no horror or scares here, there's no tension or atmosphere & it has all the style of a soap opera. That opening shot of the camera closing in on Roland is one of the jerkiest camera movements I've ever seen! The cast on these things always impress me, Anthony Valentine is making the first of his two appearances in Tales of the Unexpected while popular British actress Amanda Redman makes an early screen appearance also in her first of two Tales of the Unexpected episodes.

I'll Be Seeing You is an alright tale, it's a bit predictable & the final twist isn't even that original or spectacular but it's watchable enough in it's own right & is far from the worst episode this series ever produced.
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