Follow a Star (1959)
Piece of soap opera?
26 June 2007
No, rather "rest in peace, my sorrow" extravaganza! I am not a fan of Mr Norman Wisdom. But I enjoy good and easy comedies which, however insane, never get vulgar. This is a perfect example of such thing. I can watch the majority of Charlie Chaplin's, Buster Keaton's, and Norman Wisdom's movies anytime. They are timeless. Very often, when I watch a modern comedy ("Meet the Parents", for instance), I get real angry and ask myself: "WTF? Is this supposed to be good and funny?" Whenever I watch the good old Norman Wisdom movies, I don't have to ask myself such questions - I just rejoice. When I start watching such a movie, I know beforehand that there won't be anything rude, annoying, dirty, and vulgar - this alone supplies me with pleasant feelings.

Again I'm impressed by the talent of Mr Norman Wisdom. The songs he performs are beautiful. There is something "jazzy" about them and I like it.

By the way, in our country the film goes under the title "Mister Pitkin na Estrade" ("Mr Pitkin on the Stage") though the main character is not Pitkin but Norman Truscott. It happens because for Russian audience Mr Norman Wisdom will always be Pitkin on the screen. But that is a sign of quality. Like "Apple" among computers.

"RoboCop", "Batoru Rowaiaru", "Long xiao ye", "Jeeves and Wooster", "Lyudi i manekeny", "Mad Max", and ... "Follow a Star" are all great. Does it look strange? It shouldn't. In my humble opinion, there is a high-quality movie behind each title.

Such comedies like this one are fading away in today's hectic cybernetic world but to me they are the best of the best, because they remain childish and amusing in a very pleasant way.

Again I give a very subjective mark - a 10 out of 10 - but I'm 100% sure that such comedies are of the highest artistic quality. Thank you for attention.
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