Unknown, Unappreciated And Unbelievably Good
25 June 2007
It's good to know from reading the user comments here that others are out there who've seen this film (probably on DVD) and enjoyed it as much as me. I don't recall when or where I bought this movie, or what motivated me to do so, but I'm awfully glad I did. Normally, a film's director is the major force in attracting me to buy a film on DVD. Since I had never heard of Scott Sanders, it surely must have been the presence of so many good actors which influenced me to do so. However, if this man never makes another film, he still has made a significant contribution with this one. The actors execute Sander's tight, fast-paced script superbly, as the film flies by so quickly, I was disappointed it was over. Alec Baldwin as the Mafia-connected thief, Bruce Greenwood as his sarcastic sidekick, a black guy whose name I didn't know, who plays Greenwood's foil and sidekick #2, together form a formidable trio of robbers with great chemistry, and much, much sly humor. Pit them against pseudo-sophisticated gang leader Michael Jai White, carelessly arrogant of his bigotry against the "Eyetalians," his #2, a quietly smooth Andre Braugher, and their entourage of bungling underlings, then throw in the middle, laid-back detective Rebecca De Mornay and you have a great crew to execute all the controlled anarchy which ensues. Great acting all around from these fine people. But, it doesn't stop there. There are three or four more guys and gals, again whose names I didn't know, who make vital acting contributions in sizable roles. This is not a "funny, ha ha" type film, but its serious nature is always undermined by subtle comedic touches. If there is a serious weakness in the film, I didn't see it. Director Sanders wrote a great story, recruited a team of top-notch talent, mixed it all together and came out with one great film. I've put myself on notice to see if Scott Sanders shows his face again, but so far ... This film was made in 1998. He has plenty of time, but, c'mon now.
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