Review of Tribes

Tribes (1970)
This movie helped me survive!
15 June 2007
I saw this movie in 1970 when it was on TV. Eleven years later at the tender age of 29 I joined the Utah National Guard and went to basic training at Ft. Jackson, SC. The memory of this movie helped me to survive basic training. I remembered that the drill sergeants really wanted to yell at the hippie all the time, but as long as he did what he was told the drill sergeants had a hard time finding something to yell at him about. So when I was in basic training I tried hard to do everything I was told so that the drill sergeants wouldn't find a reason to yell at me. It helped a lot. Now I have a son who just went through basic training and I told him about the movie before he left and how it helped me. I consider the movie "Tribes" my key to getting through basic training.
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