Shark Zone (2003 Video)
Tonight on Fox: When stock footage attacks!
5 June 2007
Well one thing is immediately blatantly obvious from watching was filmed on the cheap with a capital 'C'. However, as the saying goes, cheap and cheerful which incidentally is entirely applicable to the film in question.

There's simply no point in trying to judge this film on it's technical merits, nor it's logic, nor the story, nor the acting performances. Nor is there any point bemoaning the fact that our Great White shark friends in this have suffered some almost libellous character defamation, whereby here they growl(!), pack hunt(!) and love nothing better than hanging around sunken galleons snacking on unsuspecting divers.

No, the best way to judge this flick is on its pure entertainment value and in this respect it scores highly.

Just marvel at some of the most obviously studio filmed scenes set on boats (my God! - you can even see the seams in the canvas 'sky'!), laugh your pants off at the franticly edited shark attack sequences (in reality stock Great White footage spliced into newly filmed scenes with flaying divers in reddened water whilst the camera is violently shaken around like crazy and exaggerated chomping noises are overdubbed on the soundtrack!) and finally spot the multiple instances of stolen footage from the Shark Attack series(!!!)

Yes, this is undeniably a mightily bad movie......and an immensely satisfying one at that!
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