The Good Samaritan (2007 TV Movie)
The Good Samaritan
5 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you like TV made drama films, like Goodnight Mister Tom, Heartless and The History of Mr. Polly, then you'll love this one with practically the same kind of character we came to love him as in EastEnders (Alfie Moon). Shane Richie plays Brian Guest, the nice, cheeky and likable everyman with an ordinary life and office worker job. His life is changed though when one day he gets a call from Lewis Farrell (Brendan Coyle) asking for the Samaritans (he dialled one number wrong), threatening suicide by jumping off Brian's office block, but he thinks it's a prank by a work mate. But when an accident has occurred at the block, Brian is convinced he sent Lewis to his death. He is now planning to compensate the family, mother and wife Hannah Farrell (Julia Ford) and her daughters, for their "loss". But at the same time, he also has to deal with divorcing his wife, Lucy (Louise Delamere). When giving the family money, he also falls for Hannah, and Lewis is not happy, and he gives Brian a piece of his mind at one of the daughters' wedding (that Brian's money paid for). It is like a classic episode of EastEnders where characters misunderstand, never get a word in, and have to face the giggly consequences. There is a happy ending for a while where Lucy leaves Brian alone, Lewis gets what he deserves, and Hannah and Brian are happy, but Brian gets another phone call from another suicidal man. Very good!
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