A somewhat rushed ending to a decent Doctor Who story.
16 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who: The Ambassadors of Death: Episode 7 starts as Reegan (William Dysart) manages to convince his boss General Carrington (John Abineri) that the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) would be more useful alive than dead, the Doctor is charged with the task of building a machine which will allow Carrington & Reegan to communicate with the three aliens. Meanwhile Carrington is trying to get the relevant authorities to destroy the alien spacecraft while the aliens threaten to destroy earth unless their three kidnapped ambassadors are returned, the whole thing is a mess & the Doctor as usual has to sort it out...

This Doctor Who adventure was episode 18 from season 7 that aired here in the UK during mid 1970, directed by Michael Ferguson I liked The Ambassadors of Death but not the fact that it's a seven parter. The script by David Whitaker just couldn't sustain itself over it's mammoth seven episodes & I don't care what anyone says about careful build up & all that nonsense because careful build up is fine, hell I like careful build up as much as anyone else but there has to be something at the end of it & this particular episode has an extremely rushed climax where the bad guys simply give themselves up. A good serious story but a tad too long I thought.

This one has looked good throughout with only one really terrible special effect, this one has had the odd creepy moment but for the most part it has felt like a spy adventure with plenty of double crosses, betrayal, kidnapping, assassinations & shadowy organisations. The acting has been alright but again the Doctor's assistant Liz Shaw (Caroline John) has had very little to do. The Ambassadors of Death is also one of the Jon Pertwee stories which no longer exists in it's original form therefore large parts of this story are in black and white, until someone stumps up the cash to completely colourise it that's the way you'll have to watch it.

The Ambassadors of Death is a good story with a long build up but a rushed ending, I don't know I just don't get on with these massive seven parters as they seem to run out of steam. Overall over it's seven episodes I'll give it 6 out of 10 as I doubt I'd ever want to watch it again.
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