The Mad (2007)
A Father-Daughter Feel Good Zombie Film
2 April 2007
A father and daughter reconnect on a getaway in the country.

This would all be a terrific setup for a TV Movie of the Week, If it weren't for the fact that what drives dad and daughter together is a ravenous horde of mindless zombies.

Billy Zane is surprisingly funny as the father, the confused Dr. Jason Hunt, in this entertaining twist on the zombie film genre. Maggie Cassels is wonderfully petulant while still managing to kick ass as his daughter Amy. Shauna McDonald is bitch-tacular as Dr. Hunt's new girlfriend.

There's plenty of blood and guts flying, fulfilling the horror quota, but this film is just plain funny. See it if it gets to the theatres near you, rent it if it comes to your video store, or stay up 'till 2 on a weeknight if it's playing late on the teevee. You won't be disappointed.
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