Shadow Man (2006 Video)
Best Seagal film in a while, but still pritty bad.
28 March 2007
Steven Seagal is getting old. Luckily he had found some extra energy when compared to his "movie" Black Dawn. Still - Steven seems to be so fat and tired of all this action junk, that he only has the energy to whisper his lines and barely keeps his eyes open. Anyways Shadow Man is definitely an above average film in Steven's latest production thanks to good production quality, director and a better script than on average in these films.

The plot is simple: Steven's character Jack is carrying micro cell containing a virus without knowing about it. Bad guys and the good guys want it. Ka-Boom. The end.

The film is pretty good in the beginning but it kinda loses it's intensity on the way. In the end of the film you just wish for the film to end. It's a horrible movie but if you have absolutely nothing better to do and you're a Steven Seagal fan - then you might check this one out. Otherwise - get something else. I'm not a demanding critic when it comes down to guys like Steven Seagal: The problem's just that I gotta keep it real - I didn't feel myself entertained during the film. Steven's losing his grip on this.

Some people say Steven Seagal has only one face. They couldn't be more wrong; Stevie has at least two faces. Cool and extra-cool. In the film for a second I thought Steven was trying to act but neh.. I was wrong.
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