Tales from the Crypt: Forever Ambergris (1993)
Season 5, Episode 3
Decent tale from the crypt.
20 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Crypt: Forever Ambergris starts as the once great war photographer Dalton Scott (Roger Daltrey) & his hotshot apprentice Ike (Steve Buscemi) return from 3 months away in a war zone, however it's not long before they are back on a plane heading towards their next assignment in Central America. Once considered the best Dalton is now regarded as a has been & Ike is the up & coming photographer who everyone wants a piece of so when he is told of a village that was decimated by germ warfare he senses his chance to kill two birds with one stone by getting rid of the competition & getting some top shots as well, the village is still contaminated so he tricks Ike into going there to take the pictures, contract the horrible disease & get the photo's back which he intends to pass off as his own to him before he dies. All goes well until he gets back home & tries to seduce Ike's ex girlfriend Bobbi (Lysette Anthony) who got something interesting in the post from her dead boyfriend...

This Tales from the Crypt story was episode 3 from season 5, the second & last Tales from the Crypt episode to be directed by Gary Fleder I rather liked this gruesome little story. The script by Scott Rosenberg was based on a story from the 'Tales from the Crypt' comic book & is a great little horror fable about jealously, double crosses, sinister schemes & just deserts which are typical Tales from the Crypt themes. I liked Forever Ambergris as a whole, the build up is pretty good, the character's are decent & there's a fair amount of exploitation in this episode with Forever Amergris being one of the gorier & grosser stories. While neither new or amazingly original as far as the show goes I still reckon this is a pretty damned fine episode & is one of my favourites. The character's are good here especially the sleazy Dalton Scott & the likable Ike which also makes this episode very watchable along with the nastiness. Having said that it feels like an action film on occasions & not enough like horror & the black humour present in a lot of the best Tales from the Crypt episodes is sadly lacking.

This one looks as good as usual, a lot of it is set in a forest somewhere which doubles up as a jungle nicely enough I suppose. There's some top gore here & some of the best seen throughout the 93 Tales from the Crypt episodes that were made, someones eyeball literally oozes out of it's owners socket, there are various melted & rotting skin effects, there's bubbling & bursting vein effects, there's plenty of blood spurting around & someones nose falls off! The special effects are well done & look pretty gross at times. There's some nudity & sex here as well if that's your thing. The acting is good by the two 'name' leads, the great Buscemi is as watchable as aways & The Who founder British rocker Roger Daltrey does a decent job as the slimy villain.

Forever Ambergris is probably one of my favourite tale from the crypt stories, as a whole things started to go downhill from season 5 onwards so Forever Ambergris is a shining light in the show's latter seasons & I reckon this ones worth watching as just about any other episode from any other season, definitely recommended.
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