Lost: Numbers (2005)
Season 1, Episode 18
"The Numbers Are Bad!"
8 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In this extraordinary episode, full of humour, shocks and suspense, we find out about Hurley's past, and the reason why he was in Australia.

When Michael needs a battery to power the radar on his raft, Hurley suggests going to find Rousseau because Sayid mentioned she had batteries. When Jack and Hurley consult Sayid, he refuses to go, and he shows them the confusing notes that he took from Rousseau. One of them catches Hurley's eye, and he begins to start acting peculiarly. The day after being shown the notes, Hurley alone goes to find Rousseau to find out the meaning of one of the notes, in which the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42 are repeated in that order several times.

Why does Hurley want to find Rousseau so badly? The numbers "4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42" were used by him for the Lottery. He is overwhelmed when he actually wins a record $110 million with the numbers. However, as soon as he has won, a number of things start going wrong for him. Over time, Hurley begins to believe that the numbers are cursed, and he goes to extreme lengths to find out what the numbers mean, much to the confusion of Jack, Sayid and Charlie, who go out to search for him.

This episode reveals a lot of home truths which are to become an integral part of Lost, and begins to establish connections between Hurley's life, and the history of the island. This also boasts what has to be the most memorable speech in the entire series of Lost to a stunned individual.
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