Very Cool Dark Knight Short
21 February 2007
I've known of this little Batman short for sometime now, but I didn't know how I would be able to see it. Well it finally hits me and I decide to hit up YouTube to check if they have it. Obviously they do, so I plopped myself down, got myself a Mountain Dew and watched an awesome 8 minute Batman short.

Here's how it goes. Joker escapes from Arkham and Batman finds him in an alley. They do their usual "We both have problems" routine which was pretty well done since they do this all the time in the comics. Anyways after a little laughing and shoving, out of nowhere an Alien shows up. And as you Alien fans know, if there's an Alien around a Predator shouldn't be very far either. Since Predators hunt Aliens as a sport....if you didn't know. Anyways, what follows is sweet little piece of film-making with fantastic direction and cinematography. You can nit-pick till the cows come home about this or that, but when it comes down to it, this is one coolass short. My only problem was the Joker...the guy playing him looked the part, but did not sound the part. Sounded a little too "nerdy". Instead of sounding hysterically evil, he sounded hysterically nerdy. No biggie though.

Just like Lobo's Paramilitary Christmas Special, this is another must see short that every comic-book fan should check out. 8.5 outta 10
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