Barney Miller (1975–1982)
The best
12 February 2007
Having watched all the episodes on DVD, I realize once again just how good the program was. The dvds I had were taken off the air (from TVLand). Since some people might be uncomfortable with unauthorized dvds I hesitate to mention my source. However, if you email me I can give it to you.

I was going to sell the dvds after seeing all 170 episodes,but have decide to keep them. In a while seeing them again will be just fine.

I remembered this show with fondness from when it first was air, and was disappointed to see that it was nowhere to be found on TV. It had been on TVLand where I saw one episode, but that was it. It was gone. The folks at TVLand explained that they were having trouble getting affordable rights to the program.

Imagine my pleasure at finding a DVD set of the complete series. It seems to have been taken off the air and the quality is less than perfect.

If you might be interested in purchasing this email me privately and I will point you in the right direction. I got a wonderful bargain price, the the price seems to have gone up.
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