Alias the Jester (1985– )
By Jupiter!
19 December 2006
This is a cartoon series from Cosgrove Hall Productions (creators of "Danger Mouse" and "Count Duckula") with features the amusing and hilarious of Alias, a little spaceman who's rocket ship suffers a malfunction and lands him in Medieval England under the rule of King Arthur. But this is totally barking Medieval England, where people know what film is but it hasn't been invented yet and where giants are friends with the royals? WEIRD! But never fear! Alias along with his cute little doggy, Boswell and his new friend Meredith the court magician tries to put everything right in Arthur's Kingdom before any thing else happens. But Alias has to disguise himself as the court jester (which is no easy task) and put up with the moody and sneaky King Arthur. This is funny, original and has more of the Cosgrove Hall charm. It also contains of Richard Briers (A Good Life) and Brian Wilde (Last of the Summer Wine). Must watch for those who liked Danger Mouse! 8/10
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