A Childhood Favourite!
16 December 2006
I used to watch this on video and on T.V when I was little. I loved the series and generally liked Winnie the Pooh. My mum is also a Winnie the Pooh fan and to come the fact the nation of the United Kingdom is too, because he is so mainly advertised over here. He must the national cartoon of Britain of something, like Asterix is in France and Mickey Mouse is in the United States. The series I like because of it's catchy music, great stories and fine animation. I used to rush home and watch a episode! My parents taped on episode off the T.V back in around 1994! It just saddens me that all the great cartoons from my childhood and one or two decades before have been cancelled for all these new and lame cartoons. Anywhy, I loved the series when I was 5 and I still look back on it with good memories. If you see this anywhere around floating in a backstreet channel on cable or something, watch it! Because I think it certainly deserves to be brought back to terrestrial television! 8/10
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