I was a kid and obsessed with He-Man, and I still thought it sucked.
3 December 2006
I haven't seen this movie in years, and with good reason.

When I was a kid I was OBSESSED with He-Man. yet I still didn't like this movie. That may very well have been the problem; I knew everything that was wrong with it.

The only thing they got right were the portals, and those portals were used more often in She-Ra than He-Man. He-Man doesn't transform, Cringer/Battlecat is nowhere to be seen, Orco is nonexistent (instead there's just this hairy dwarf that wasn't in the cartoon). Most of He-Man's friends are gone, except for man-at-arms.

Most of the movie is set not in Eternia but on Earth. I suspect this was to save money.

Worst of all, Skeletor had lips! His lips actually moved and changed shape as he spoke! Since when does a skull have lips? Skeletor has a skull for a head, everyone knows that. And everyone knows that his jaw just goes up-and-down as he speaks.

Again, they decided it would be cheaper to cover a human with make-up then design a working skull for Skeletor. And it's not like it was impossible at the time, there were lots of horror movies made in the 80's, many of them had animatronic skeletons/zombies, or stop motion.
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