Ghostly child's voice haunts radio station story teller.
20 November 2006
This short spooky tale relies on the imagination of the viewer to scare , rather than the modern CGI of today. It is a well worked traditional Ghost story about a DJ of a radio station who broadcasts a horror story concerning a Magician who enlists the help of a child to perform the " disappearing " act on stage.

Each night the DJ Narrates a chapter of this story to the listeners as he sits in his darkened studio with just his producer in the control room. After the first nights broadcast , the DJ goes home to his nightcap but is disturbed by the phone ringing , and upon answering finds a child's voice asking him not to continue with the story as it is to scary.

Brushing this off , the DJ continues with his broadcast the following night, and again when he returns home in the dead of night , the same thing happens, only this time the child is more insistent.

This continues over the next few nights much to the annoyance of the DJ as he is getting rather scared by the child's chilling words and warnings of personal doom if the story continues , and is becoming more and more tormented as the story continues.

I am not going to ruin the story by giving away the ending , but this creepy tale is well worth watching as it is a well crafted and superbly directed entry to this Genre.
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