How not to do Heinlein
2 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot help awarding this TV series a low 3 out of 10 rating, because it is specifically about everything that is *not* interesting about Heinlein's Starship Troopers concept. It is purely about action. There is virtually no characterization, and certainly nothing at all about the most interesting thing: the kind of society the story takes place in. The whole world-building dimension is completely and mercilessly cut away, perhaps to make this a kids' story. Heinlein's original novel was juvenile fiction, but it didn't talk down to its readers. It contained all sorts of hardboiled social commentary and philosophy, which today is apparently considered dangerous, or at least uncommercial. The producers of this series have certainly succeeded in utterly sanitizing this concept. Into complete meaninglessness.

But the animation sure is pretty. What a shame to have wasted it on such insubstantial material.
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