Kids Like These (1987 TV Movie)
Heartwarming but the final scene was hilarious
17 October 2006
I saw this film on UK TV this afternoon. It was a rather okay film.

But the final scene had me laughing non-stop.

The story is about a mother's coming to grips with the disappointment of having a child with Down's Syndrome. Heartwrenching stuff.

But, while giving an acceptance speech for "Woman of the Year" she launches into something like the following...

"Having a child with Down's Syndrome is like going to the airport and getting on a flight to Italy. Then, when the plane lands they say 'Welcome to Holland'. Hold on, I booked a flight to Italy NOT Holland... But even though I suffered the disappointment of not being in Italy, I was in Holland. Holland has windmills and wooden shoes." There was no way out after that. There was nothing she could say after that which would recommend Holland over Italy.

It ends with the family deciding to go out for pizza. I wondered if they got a pizza with Edam or Gouda cheese on it.

So, I guess, Holland is the Down's Syndrome of EU countries. Hilarious.
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