Fun to Watch, But not for my Date!
11 October 2006
I first saw this little gem a couple of years after it was filmed. Many of the Zombies and few of the townspeople were cast in my home community So it was a real kick to see such a zaney plot scurrying the "lifeless" all over the hills and what not. To bad the plot wasn't a little more developed, I just didn't find myself rooting for anyone in this flic and it was a bit predictable. I do like the use of effects being kept to a minimum; computer generated effects have never impressed me much. Had the profanities been kept at bay then this could have been OK for TV around Halloween maybe. The make-up and wardrobe are what really made the illusion of realism work here. The odd mix of characters and a sort-of "way backwoods" aura make me think twice before traveling the unmarked fork in the road when I'm far from home! Will probably have to see this one again. Michael
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