Enough Is Enough
10 September 2006
Snakes on a Plane is a film. Evidently some money was spent on it and some money was spent to see it. Tomorrow is the 5th anniversary of Sept. 11th 2001. I venture to say this film would not have been made if we were still living in the shadow of 9/11. However, here this airbourne terrorism is pushed to a ludicrous extreme. Snakes also brilliantly walks the tightrope between full on parody (i.e. the Scary Movie franchise) and authentic horror film (i.e. Silence of the Lambs). As if following the advice of Cheap Trick, "surrendering but didn't give themselves away." SoaP is also inextricably linked to internet culture and will be viewed in the future as an early example of the power of the internet to generate hype. While this film was uber-hyped before release, the post-debut banter has seen a sharp decline. My personal experience was seeing this film at the Cascade drive-in double feature with Talladega Nights. It was the perfect venue to see these films, seen with friends and out in the country with country folk in the cars nearby. I couldn't tell which film the audience liked more. There was a little "audience participation", but not the overbearing type which i heard about at some of the showings of SoaP. I'd recommend seeking out your local drive-ins and giving them some business. Snakes is a good thrill. It is kinda gross. It has it's blood-rushing moments. Maybe Public Enemy has a point, "Don't Believe the Hype", but in the case of Snakes on a Plane rather, believing can be fun.
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