Great "shoot out" of a short film.
3 September 2006
Nice little shoot out. Zeed looks like a bad-a$$ straight out of a Yakuza movie. Great music, especially the menu music. Great shots through out the film. Action scene was cool, except for the machine gun flair which didn't look that good. Zeed throwing needles was satisfying and funny. Story doesn't really matter. Billbords didn't look very convincing. Don't think people are going to realize that this story takes place in a kill or be killed kind of town where everyone is walking around strapped with an itching trigger finger ready to go buck wild. Not too fund of old man near the pool. His lines were crappy. However, I did enjoy his death and the scream that followed. Guy hitting on girl at the bar seemed a little forced, not that funny Credits were cool. I like Jack more.
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