Review of Zoom

Zoom (2006)
ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM "Galaxy Quest" part 2, Allen proves yet again that it's for the money
15 August 2006
An odd group of super hero misfits must be shaped up by a dimwitted leader Zoom (Money whore Tim Allen). Some of the child actors are okay but their powers and the whole back story is foggy. Despite they need to be trained at the Academy there was, for me, no good reason to care. Allen after doing "Shaggy Dog" (another runner up for worst of 06) shows that despite the god awful taste in film selections he is just doing it for the MONEY. So the next Allen flick that comes out don't expect some kind of descent film just expect Tim laughing it up on screen pulling ridiculous stunts like "Zoom". Despite the kids, probably who this mess was made for it is regrettable, despicable and down right dimwitted. *1/2
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