The Ghouls (2003)
Worst Thing Ever Stamped Outta Plastic
23 July 2006
Zero! From just plan bad filming (it's called light) to filming yourself? Acting (did dadaist start making movies?) - This was the worst thing I've seen or heard. Take the worst thing you can imagine - you know, 3rd graders with Dad's camera make a spook movie! This little beauty make it look like the entire extended Coen family mated with the Coppalas to sire it. You'll find it in those places where movies are sold by covers. I found it at Blockbuster during my "see everything for 15 bucks" month. It is REMARKABLY bad thought. You should not pay for the priviage (out of priciple) - but there's so much to learn from enduring it! Gots 2 wonder where they find people to package crap like this? Also check out Chad's (Ferrin) other listings - they all seem to have glowing reports at IMDb - what's up there? Well I would have let it go but I saw Uwe got a 2 for "House Of The Dead" and next to this 4 rating that just seemed way too harsh.
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