Charlie Bravo (1980)
lost French platoon in the Vietnamese jungle
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The story takes place in the last days of the French war in "Indochina" in 1954. A dozen of paratroopers land in the jungle for a rescue mission. The Vietminh will exterminate the soldiers as they are ready for ex-filtration, just at the time of the cease-fire between the French and the Vietminh. The scenario is similar to many war movies of better quality (from Aguirre by Herzog to "the 317th platoon" by Schoendorffer and "Southern Comfort" ) but "Charlie Bravo" (code name for the platoon) is not that bad... Some aspects of the scenario are not very realistic (the Army nurse they rescue looks so pretty after days in the jungle, lack of air support, suicide run on the beach ...).
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