Evil in Clear River (1988 TV Movie)
Problem Still Occurring
26 June 2006
Every once in awhile you will read in the newspaper or a story will appear on TV about some person or persons who claim the Jewish people were never placed in concentration camps or even placed in ovens by the Nazi's during World War II. In this story, Randy Quaid,(Pete Suvak) is a High School Teacher who teaches his students his version of world history and his sick version of how the Jewish people played a large role in controlling Germany during the World Wars and are still an evil race. In other words, praising Hitler for his evil deeds. Pete Suvak brain washed, Thomas Wilson Brown,(Mark McKinnon),Mark McKinnon a young boy in his class and Mark brought home to his mother, Lindsay Wagner,(Kate McKinnon) this hateful information. It did not take much time before Kate McKinnon woke up and realized that something was very wrong in her hometown and a certain history teacher. This film rings true today and for many generations," Never Forget What Hitler Did "to the Jewish People and all other races during WW II and what happened in those concentration camps, that No One Seemed to care About !
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