This film should come with a suicide warning
11 May 2006
This movie looked to be a good proper horror/slasher especially with the cast it had lined up but the big names that they have in big letters across the top of the DVD but they have such small roles and Michael Madsen's role is not necessary at all especially when he looks like an extra in 70's porn flick. The thing that surprises me most about this film is at any giving time there is usually only three people on the ranch two blokes and a hideously ugly women (Mammy and Daddy obviously cousin or siblings) but they have five slaves now with those odds I'd reckon the slaves could take on their captors. But the main problem with this film is the characters talk about what happens to them if they step out of line but you don't see any of it actually happening I'm not to sure if anyone told the director but you need to see that if you want it to be a slasher film and you don't care what happens to any of them either you kinda want them to get sliced and diced. The main method of torture they use is a cattle prod, What ever happened to over sized knives, meat cleavers, hatchets or chainsaws! This film starts of well you kinda of get a Texas chainsaw massacre feel to it but after 10 mins that feeling passes and you are left bewildered. I can not believe Hopper and Madsen lent their reputations to this flick they must of lost a whopper of a bet to do this film. Hoboken Hollow is a dire film with dire acting even worse script. Anyone who claims this to be a good flick is just trying to trick other people into wasting an hour and half of their lives.
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