Worst Movie of the Century
27 April 2006
Movies like this give me hope as an aspiring screenwriter because if crap like this can make it out there, there has to be hope for me. This movie sucked, make that S-U-C-K-E-D, with a capital S! It TRIES to be funny but just redoing scenes from great movies doesn't make it funny. This movie was a waste of my life and waste of my time. If I were part of this film, I would NEVER include this film on my resume. It was disastrous, boring, uninteresting and not the least bit funny. I didn't laugh once, and I laugh very easily as anyone could tell you. It doesn't take much to entertain me, however this film doesn't even come close to being entertaining. DO NOT RENT THIS MOVIE!! You'll be sorely disappointed. 1 star out of 10.
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