Laughter ensues in this film
26 March 2006
Chicken Little

Chicken Little puts you right with the characters and is funny for all. The jokes are great because children will still get them, while the adults won't groan aloud. The movie is based on the original tale of Chicken Little, but adds so much more to the story.

The story starts off with Chicken Little proclaiming that "the sky is falling". Sadly, not even his father believes him. Chicken Little feels bad about this, but manages to keep high spirits with the help of three good friends: Runt (a nervous pig), Fish (a mute fish, who goes around with a water filled helmet), and Abby (an "ugly duckling", but it is the nicest girl on the block, and has a crush on Chicken Little).

One year after the "sky is falling" incident, it happens again. A piece of the sky falls right on his head! This time, Chicken Little gets his friends' help. They soon discover that the "sky piece" is really part of and alien space ship. Jokes galore when they find themselves on the ship. You'll laugh until you cry.

Chicken Little is played Scrubs' Zach Braff. He brings a childish innocence to the character, while completely relating to thousands. Steve Zahn lends his voice to Runt, who has a superiority complex, but is a true friend and a karaoke fan. Fish Dan Molina creates Fish's voice. This is a cute role, who is a classic character, such as Scrat in Ice Age. He'll make any situation funny.

Don't miss this!
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