The Killers (1956)
Acting and directing is somewhat superior to that of the opening scene in the 1946 version of The Killers.
5 February 2006
This is the best student film I have ever seen. Not only in directing but style also. It's black and white as every good film noir is. If you can call this short film noir or not though is up for discussion. This is a very faithful adaption of Ernest Hemingway's short story The Killers. And the way it's shot, cut and acted is truly remarkable. Especially in one scene when a man walks into the diner while the killers have Nick Adams and the cook tied up in the back. The whole scene plays out without any dialogue but with the customer whistling a happy tune while George makes him his sandwich. A very good scene.

The short has no soundtrack and doesn't need one either. With the situation and the dialogue it all speaks for itself. A very good short and worth the money I payed for it.
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