Inspector Lewis: Reputation (2006)
Season 1, Episode 0
A charming throwback
30 January 2006
For a while, 'Inspector Morse' was the cutting edge of British crime drama, the innovative length (two hours per show), measured pacing and intelligent mood masking the ridiculous plotting, the unfailingly elegant female characters, and the ludicrous body counts (it seemed there was never one murder without a few more waiting in the wings). Then a new wave of programs like 'Prime Suspect' introduced a level of procedural reality that suddenly made Morse seem dated. But the series retained a certain charm, especially because of the interplay between the characters of Morse himself (the now deceased John Thaw) and his sidekick Lewis (Kevin Whately).

When the actor playing 'Taggart' died, the series continued without him but under the same name. The character of Lewis has done one better than Taggart's associates, as his debut in the lead role is at least in an eponymous show. And while the same criticisms that could be thrown at the show's predecessor are still apposite, and Thaw (and the character of Morse he helped define) is a big loss, I enjoyed this program. There's something almost soothing about the world as portrayed here, however far from reality, and several years after the last 'Morse' was made, it seems fresher than might have been expected. Whatley also does a good job at taking on the lead in Thaw's absence, and his partial metamorphosis into his old boss is nicely executed and fun to watch. In 2006, no-one could call this cutting edge TV; but it's good to have it back.
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