I, too, wonder why this movie isn't available
31 December 2005
I, too, wonder why this movie isn't available. I saw it back in the 80's on HBO. I laughed through most of it. It was probably the best look at one's self, not accepting the fact that his blindness was a disability or handicap in any way. 1 scene I remember quite vividly was when Tom Sullivan was putting his socks on, and his roommate told him that he was putting them on the wrong feet. He asked, "There's a right and a left to socks, too?". He said, "Well, of course there is!" Also, the acting, directing and producing of everyone involved in this movie was superb. It is a movie that I would love for my sons and grandson to see. This would be 1 movie that I think we all could agree on...LOL!!!
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