Most pathetic excuse for a desert action/drama ever!
28 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit I haven't seen all movies starring Rutger Hauer yet, so I'm not sure, but my guess is that BEYOND JUSTICE (aka THE LAW OF THE DESERT) has got to be the worst Hauer-movie out there. It excels in being bad. Now I know that, for instance, PRECIOUS FIND was a poor attempt at sci-fi/action, but at least it had Brion James in it and it wasn't an ambitious international co-production. And, yes, I know that TURBULENCE 3: HEAVY METAL was a trashy crapfest, but that one was at least so 'over the top' it was hilarious. So nobody can convince me that those movies were worse or, at least, less fun than this one.

I'm gonna be brief about the plot. There's a divorced couple, an American wife and an Arabian husband, living in America. The Arabian dude kidnaps their son and transports him to Arabia to live with his grandfather (Omar Sharif). The son is supposedly to inherit his legacy, and thus living the Arabian way of life for the rest of his days. He doesn't seem to mind, by the way. Maybe it's because those Arabians don't do anything throughout this movie except sitting in a castle and riding horses (yes, indeed: Boring!). The ex-wife (Carol Alt) and her legal adviser (Elliot Gould) bring in Tom Burton (Rutger Hauer) to go and save the kid.

The acting: Rutger Hauer, though undoubtedly the best actor of the cast, seems hopelessly lost in this movie. At the time of shooting this movie he clearly hadn't developed his method-acting-skills yet. So with the absence of any guidance from the director, you could consider him a loose cannon throughout this film. I love the way his character is introduced. He is on this mission to save some political prisoner, so you see him running around randomly shooting and throwing grenades. Quite pointless, if you ask me, while stealth moves would've been more appropriate. Carol Alt has not much to do except looking beautiful. Omar Sharif, well, the only good thing the man did - in my book - was his role in TOP SECRET. And after seeing him in that one you just cannot take his whole 'respect my Arabian authority'-thing in DESERT LAW serious. As for Elliot Gould (TV's FRIENDS), the man's acting range is limited to two aspects: whining and looking sad. I must also mention the young (non)actor who plays the kid's Arabian slave/friend. Not only he just can't act, he also looks like a moron with his tongue cut out who smiles all the time (in fact, his tongue was cut out, if I remember correctly... Oooh, those savage Arabians!)

The cinematography: This movie was shot in 1989, re-released in 1992, but looks like something from the late 70's. It seems like the camera-operator just discovered the zoom-button and is very enthusiastic about it. He just can't stop touching the damn thing.

The editing: Atrocious. Sometimes the editor cuts too soon to the other over-shoulder-view in a conversation, making you here the last word of one person's line without seeing his jaw move. At one time, after a dialogue is finished, the camera stays focused extreeeeemely long on a guy's face instead of cutting away to the next scene.

The plot: Now, the premise is OK. The clash between traditional Arabian and modern day American lifestyle could have invoked interesting moral discussions resulting in a violent confrontation during a climactic ending. Because you feel like it builds up to that (it takes almost two hours to get there), but in the end it just does not deliver. The conversations in the drama department are boring blahblahblah's, the trip through the desert is boring with just one lame and badly choreographed shoot-out scene. The rescue near the end is rushed followed by one of the most stupid happy-endings I've ever seen: Omar Sharif handing over the kid, admitting he was wrong and HUGGING Hauer! And what's worse: after that, in some sort of epilogue, we find out that sissy-boy Elliot Gould was a traitor. Normally you discover something like that just before the climax, so you could have some kind of showdown between Hauer and Gould, or heck, Hauer just shooting the bastard. No, instead this goes on and on and then we get to see Gould make a confession while a fly is walking around on his face.

The directing: I think there was no director present at the time of shooting.

The music: I just can't believe they got Ennio Morricone to do the soundtrack. Even he f#@ks it up. One time he cooks up this really dumb funky porn-movie tune. And most of the time he mixes his score with so much cheesy sweetness that by the time this movie ends, you'll have to be taken to a hospital suffering from a sugar-overdose.

I think you all get my point, no? This movie was abominable. Rutger Hauer, what the hell were you thinking? I guess you thought it was fun to come back to Europe and do a picture while being here, no? Well, at least I hope you got paid alright, 'cause this movie turns BLIND FURY into Oscar-material. Normally I would recommend this kind of movie to make fun of, but it's actually a torment to sit through and you'll feel insulted in the end. Therefore I will add that Rutger Hauer even gets the girl in the end! So, there you have it. Now you have absolutely no reason to watch this tripe. And now, please excuse me, I'm gonna go watch TACTICAL ASSAULT (starring Hauer and Robert"T2"Patrick). I heard it's so bad, it's fun.
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