Not good, but not horrible
11 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Waited for many years to see this, being a lifelong fan of the books by Ms. Gilman.

However, the film left a taste in my mouth as dry as the sands of Albania it seems.

The film did make good use of the actors. The script was poorly written dialogue though, not as much humor as needed for this film.

I would say the film had an essential problem but there were entirely too many.

First, poorly written dialogue. Just not humorous.

Second, Roz, while appearing somewhat matronly, still looked a little too young for the role. Although her performance was outstanding.

Third, for the attractive thief/rogue agent Farrell, we get Darin McGavin? No, not the blond haired lout I had read about, not even close.

Fourth, Carstairs. Sigh. Just totally not done well at all. Written as an uncaring unfeeling government agency employee who didn't really care at all that he had sent an elderly lady on a courier mission. he humor of the whole situation was contained in the fact that in the book, her mission was an accident. Leaving out the first 20 pages or so and completely changing that plot point, well, it made for a completely unlikable character.

Fifth, they never, ever told her family members in any of the novels she was on assignment. Ever.

Essentially it took a few elements, not nearly enough and compiled a poor movie whose most interesting aspect was its lead actress'es charisma in the role and its musical score.

If you enjoy the books I think you will not like this movie. If you haven't read them and like 70's era comedies, go for it.
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