Review of Saw

Saw (2004)
If the ending were a hamburger....bruh, it'd be the best, most intense damn hamburger imaginable.....
17 October 2005
About a year ago, I gave a my two cents on Saw when it first came out. Back then, I was being to critical towards it, and really stuck up about it. After watching it over about four times, I finally enjoyed it, and realized that there was some bad-assness in this movie. Now, I bring to you a better review, a bad-ass review, a review so good that my previous review is in this review's morning craps!!

Like I said, back then I didn't like this movie because I was looking too hard. I was expecting a deep movie with sharp plausibility. Then, as I watched this over, I realized, why the hell does this movie need it anyways? It's got a good story, a bad-ass ending, and lots of grungy violence. What more could you ask for, WHAT MORE?!

The story is this: Two men, Adam and Lawrence, wake up in a dirty, broken down bathroom, chained to the walls. In the middle of the room is a dead guy. In the dead guys hands are a tape recorder and a gun. The stench in the air… misery, bruh. Lawrence is told that if he doesn't get out before 6 in the morning, his family will be killed. Adam doesn't have much to lose, except most likely his life. They don't really do much in the time they're given. They find a bunch of clues, they're called on a cell phone and threatened, and also, they're given a hacksaw. The only way to get out is to cut through their feet. Now, if I'm wrong, which I'm not, is that a good story or is that a good story? It turns out, a crazy bastard named Jigsaw is behind this. He kidnaps people, puts them in dangerous situations, and finds ways for them to kill themselves.

The acting isn't what you would call that great, but there's a legitimate reason: The actors didn't really have any rehearsals because the budget was so low, so it's forgiven. But, as the movie goes on, the acting gets better, especially in the parts that need good acting.

Now, Saw doesn't really have any scary moments, even though it should. But I figure, if the movie's entertaining, who cares? There's nothing really scary in this movie, but does that mean it isn't intense? No, it doesn't. There's only a few intense scenes in the movie: One involving a dude in his underwear tying to get out of a barbed wire maze thing, and the ending. My God, the ending. The ending is kind of like a slap in the face to the audience, but who cares? You absolutely do not expect to see what you're gonna see. When you see what you see at the very end, you're seriously wondering, "What the F, bruh?! How's that happening?!" The ending is so damn intense, you'll wonder how on Earth you can take it.

Even though there's some stupid dialogue and setups, the movie still does what it wants to: It entertains. It's not scary, but it has some intense moments, and it's grungier than something that's really grungy. Obviously, these people had fun making it, and it was an overall cool movie. Don't look for something deep when you watch it, either.

This is a cool movie. Hopefully, part 2 will be just as cool. Also, some Gwar tunes would have been good, but unnecessary, so don't hate it for not having any.

Score: 8 out of 10.
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