Best Rock and Roll Documentary Ever
6 October 2005
This is one of my personal favorites. Nate and Josh saddle up for a tour of the West Coast in their orange Volkswagen Van with their three dogs and hilariously spaced out light girl Jenn. Here's the hook though. When they get to the club, they don't load the equipment out of the van and onto the stage, they simply throw open the side door to the van and start rockin'.

This is the ultimate rock and roll road movie about what being on the road is really like. Friends Forever are poor, young, and passionate, but also self deprecating bozos. As they travel from town to town, setting up in parking lots and on the street, we meet a ridiculous cast of truly eccentric characters that act as a support network for the band.

Incredibly enjoyable and totally quotable, you'll find yourself spouting lines from it to your friends and the opening music will haunt your dreams.

This band (and documentary) single handedly brought the word awesome back into fashion without anybody realizing. And that's how I would describe this documentary, AWESOME!
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